Terms and Conditions

At Hi-Impact Planet (HIP) Amusement Park, we expect guests to behave appropriately. Unruly, disruptive or offensive behavior, including line-jumping and profanity is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. 


NO food and beverage is allowed into the amusement park, the park has restaurant that sells local, continental cuisines, confectionaries to excite your tastes buds.


Guests must pass through an electronic baggage and security system at the gate.

Hi-Impact Planet reserves the right to inspect all packages, purses, backpacks and baggage prior to entering the park.

Sharp objects, weapons and illegal contraband are not permitted into the park. Please leave any unnecessary articles in your vehicle to expedite your entry.

We recommend that you secure such items in the trunk of your vehicle.

Hi-Impact Planet does provide a quicker "bagless" entry for those without bags.


Guests using profanity or abusive language, symbols or gestures may be ejected from the park without refund.


Loose articles or any items a guest may have with them on a ride which may come "loose” or "free” from their person during the ride motion or experience are not permitted on rides.

These items should be left with non-riders, or on designated dock locations.

Hi-Impact Planet and its employees are not responsible for lost or stolen items.


In addition to the Hi-Impact Planet Code of Conduct, guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws as well as individual park policies, rules and instructions posted or otherwise listed.


In addition to all items previously mentioned, the following items are not permitted at Hi-Impact Planet at any time:

Lawn chairs and folding chairs

Magic markers, spray paint and aerosol cans

Glass bottles


Spiked clothing or jewelry

Wallet chains and large jewelry

Fireworks and explosives

Firearms and ammunition

Chemical weapons, including mace and pepper spray

Barbeques or grills


By entering the park, guests grant Hi-Impact Planet the right to film, video, record or photograph them on park property for any reason without payment or consideration.

Hi-Impact Planet requests that all photographs or video taken by our guests be used for their personal use and enjoyment only.

Any use, reuse or reproduction for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Hi-Impact Planet is strictly prohibited.

Hi-Impact Planet reserves the right to refuse to allow photography of any kind as necessary at individual locations.

No commercial photography of any kind is permitted.

Specifically, the use of the following equipment is not permitted:

Professional cameras

Lenses greater than three-and-one-half inches in length

Interchangeable lenses of any kind

Any camera mounted to a vehicle, drone, cart, scooter or other moving object


Safety is our number-one priority.

Guest with certain body proportions, or of certain heights and/or weights, may not be able to enjoy certain rides if the safety restraints will not operate as designed.

Specific ride information is available at the ride and at customer care.


There is an inherent risk in participating in any amusement ride.

We expect riders to exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner.

Guests must also obey all oral and written warnings and properly use all ride safety equipment provided.

Guests who do not comply with ride rules may be ejected from the park without refund.

Please refer to specific guidelines posted at the entrance of every ride.


To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all guests, Hi-Impact Planet prohibits the operation or use of any unmanned aerial vehicle on, from, or above HIP’s premises without written consent.

This includes all UAVs, also commonly known as "drones,” regardless of their size, weight or purpose.